Wednesday, August 17, 2016

We're ready to try again

It's August 2016 and we're once again getting ready for our PCT hike from Highway 58 to the Columbia River!  We didn't get to try last year because of my (Tom's) continuing foot problems, but that all seems to be in the past now - we hope!  We're scheduled to leave Highway 58 on Saturday (20 August) and be at the Columbia River on 6 Sept.  I'm sure that might change as we go along, we'll just have to see!  We're cutting down on the number of miles per day and the number of days between resupply locations, to keep the packs lighter and less time on our feet - hopefully that will prevent any foot problems from cropping up during the hike.
Below is a photo of everything I'll be carrying on the first segment of the hike (Highway 58 to Elk Lake) before it's packed into my pack - it weighs in at just under 30lbs.  You might note a few new things (pack, sleeping bag, etc) - new lighter things to keep the weight down!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Tom! Hard to believe all that gear only adds up to 30 lbs, excellent!
    Have a great trip.
